Digitalization and tech innovation are transforming HR operations. Taiwanese businesses in Vietnam face challenges and opportunities in management and digitalization. How can these innovations lead Taiwanese businesses to greater success in Vietnam?
MAYOHR 與中華民國資訊軟體協會合作,攜手產學界合作夥伴,聚首研討最新的數位化趨勢、管理創新的實踐以及數據驅動的人資策略,這些將重塑人才營運,同時透過數位科技應用,提升企業生產與營運效益,達到永續與數位的雙軸轉型。
MAYOHR in collaboration with CISA and industry, academic partners, gathers to discuss the latest digitalization trends, innovative management practices, and data-driven HR strategies. Discover how these can enhance production and operational efficiency, achieving transformation in both sustainability and digitalization.
9/11(三) 09:00-17:00 胡志明場 熱烈報名中,我們誠摯地邀請您蒞臨《新科技·新人才·預見新越南》,與產業先進、專家以及其他與會來賓交流、分享與互相學習,一同了解如何在數位化時代中掌握技術優勢,預見未來。
We warmly invite you to attend the 「New Technology · New Talent · New Vietnam」 forum on September 11th Wed. from 09:00 to 17:00 in Ho Chi Minh City. Engage with industry leaders, experts, and fellow attendees to share, learn, and understand how to leverage technological advantages in the digital era and anticipate the future.


09:00 - 17:00

Capella Parkview Convention